Diversified, growth-focused alternative investment fund

Altitude Capital | AC Management

Diversified, growth-focused alternative investment fund

Altitude Capital | AC Management

Diversified, growth-focused alternative investment fund

Altitude Capital | AC Management

Altitude Capital

Altitude Capital AS is an alternative investment fund under the AIFMD-regulation with close to 50 shareholders. The company was founded by Grunde Eriksen in late 2016, with around NOK 180m in asset under management which has today grown to roughly NOK 650m.

AC Management

AC Management AS was established in mid-2020, with the sole purpose of managing Altitude Capital AS.

The company holds a license to manage alternative investment funds from the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway.

Diversified, growth-focused alternative investment fund


As an investment fund and fund management company, Altitude Capital & AC Management has an obligation to follow the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation.

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